CCWG Program Feature | Sales Recognition: Sell to Win!
By Melanie Jayjack
Associate Brand Manager
With the recent release of the online submission form, we thought it would be a good time to review what the Clear Choice Water Group Sales Recognition program entails. As a manufacturer, we can build products all day, but if no one is selling them, it gets us nowhere. It’s a true partnership that make all of our businesses successful. That’s why we want to recognize and reward our dealers and their employees for their sales efforts.
How It Works
The good news is: all employees of our WaterCare® and Evolve® dealers are automatically enrolled! There is no difficult registration process or minimum requirements to participate. Anyone who sells a piece of equipment will receive points for each unit they have sold. It doesn’t matter if you’re a full-time sales person, a technician who only makes an occasional sale, or the owner of the company — everyone qualifies!
Residential WaterCare and Evolve series systems will earn you 5 points each. ONE Filtration, ClearFlo, UltroWater, and Viqua UV systems are also worth 5 points each. CustomCare commercial products are worth 10 points each!
Each month the individual (or designated person within the dealership) will need to fill out the Sales Recognition submission form found in the “Dealer Login” areas of or, and that’s it. It’s just that easy! See an example of this form to the right.
Once we receive your recorded sales, our staff will track your accumulated point totals throughout the year. Once you reach one of our designated achievement levels, you will automatically be mailed your gift.
You can come back to this Dealer Login area at any time to see your point totals, as well as the rankings of everyone else participating in the program.
What Can You Win?
As your points accumulate throughout the year, you will reach graduated achievement levels. There are four levels you can strive for each year. With each level, the prizes get better and better!
Take a look at what each level can win you:
Level 1: Tenderfoot
Achieved at 150 total points
Prize: $100 check, trophy plate and recognition letter
Level 2: Trailblazer
Achieved at 400 total points
Prize: $150 check, trophy plate and recognition letter
Level 3: Explorer
Achieved at 800 total points
Prize: $250 check, trophy plate and recognition letter
Level 4: Discoverer
Achieved at 1,000 total points
Prize: $300 check, trophy plate and recognition letter
You could potentially earn $800 throughout the year!

Rodney Warnecke’s plaque
During your first year participating in the Sales Recognition program, we will send you a “perpetual” plaque with your name on it to display the trophy plates you will receive throughout the years.
Take a look at one of Rodney Warnecke’s plaque collections. It doesn’t take long for those plates to really add up.
These plaques are a great addition to your storefront to not only show pride in the levels you have earned, but for customers to see that they are working with award-winning sales people.
Stay Up To Date
You can see the current standings for the top ten sales people that are participating in the Sales Recognition program below. We will continue to include the updated leader boards in all future issues of the Splash Digest.
There are just over 80 people taking advantage of our Sales Recognition program today. You can see the complete list of participants and their points in the Dealer Login are of the Evolve and WaterCare websites under “Scoreboard.”
Are you not on the list? What are you waiting for? Start submitting your sales numbers today to earn your achievement levels and reward money!
You can find the complete details of the Sales Recognition program in the Dealer Login area under “Resources,” then “Program Overview.” If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact myself (, Cassi (, or Erik (