5 Ways to Make Your Kid’s Bubble Bath Even More Fun
Some kids love baths and some kids hate them. But, when bubbles are involved, it becomes a lot easier to convince your children to get cleaned up.
When you’re a kid, baths don’t have to be all about scrubbing and shampooing. It’s a time for them to let their imaginations run wild. The tub becomes a vast ocean full of adventures for rubber duckies and bubbles become bushy beards.
Once your children are old enough, bath time can also be a chance for moms and dads to catch a little break. So, if you want to keep your kids splish-splashing in the tub a little longer, here are some ways to make bubble baths even more fun!
1. Make Bubble Bath Time Creative
The right toys can make or break a bubble bath. You’ve probably noticed kids getting bored with their playthings – in and out of the tub.
However, creative bath toys let kids make something new every time they need to wash up. Plus, they’ll be learning through play while they get clean.
The baby and child product design company, Boon, makes building sets for the bath including toy pipes as well as cogs and gears, which stick to the wall of the shower allowing kids to be inventive and experiment.
Foam bath stickers are another fun way to get creative in the tub. The Silly Face Bath Stickers from Meadow® Toys (pictured here) let kids make crazy characters that will have them cracking up.
2. Make Bubble Bath Time Colorful
While splashing in water and bubbles can be a great time, it’s a bit drab as far as colors go.
So why not turn your kids bath into a more vibrant experience?
You’ll find bath crayons for making art and tablets to change the color of the bathwater all over the place, but you can also make your own! There are a ton of different DIY projects on Pinterest.
Jude from Artful-Kids.com had fun getting the kids involved with making the bath crayons you see pictured here. Or, let Realistic Mama teach you how to make bathtub finger paints out of shaving cream.
Check out the website Bath Activities for Kids to learn another method for making your own bath crayons. You can even add essential oils for a pleasant scent. This site also recommends using Kool-Aid packets to create bath water that’s colorful and scented.
“Since the Kool-aid was so diluted in the water, it did not stain the bath, skin, or hair and it smelled so amazing! Just be sure to fill the tub with enough water – we filled ours about 1/3 of the way. The color is super vibrant too! Without sugar, little ones are no more inclined to drink this water than regular bath water. (However, if your children are like mine, they often try to drink their bath water anyway, lol).”
One easy trick from MommySavers.com involves simply putting a drop of food coloring in ice cubes and then letting little ones chase them around in the warm water as they melt.
3. Make Bubble Bath Time Glow
Do you really want to take your kids bubble bath to the next level?
Make it glow in the dark! It looks like so much fun, you’ll probably want to try it yourself.
One of the safest ways to do this involves using a certain kind of B vitamin, which you crush up into a powder and mix in the water. Get complete instructions from the blog Fun at Home with Kids.
If all this seems like a little bit too much preparation for your busy schedule, you can do it the easy way instead. Hand your kids some glow sticks from the Dollar Store and then turn out the lights!
Get 11 different ways to make bath water glow from Bath Activities for Kids.
4. Make Bubble Bath Time Musical
Be honest, you sing in the shower don’t you? There’s just something about the time alone that lends itself to singing your favorite songs.
Adding a little music to your kids’ bubble baths is a great way to liven things up. Sure, they’ll probably splash a little water on the floor, but just think about the memories they’re making!
Whether you bring a boombox or mobile device into the bathroom, or already have a waterproof radio in the shower, your kids will love the tunes. If you do plug in electronics in the bathroom, make sure they are placed as far as possible from the tub and tell your children about the risks of mixing electricity and water.
Another option is the iDuck floating waterproof wireless speaker pictured above!
Don’t forget to create a fun bath time playlist for your little kids. Make sure to include Ernie from Sesame Street‘s “Rubber Duckie,” as well as Bobby Darin’s classic, “Splish, Splash.”
5. Make Bubble Bath Time Bubblier!
A bath without bubbles isn’t much of a bath at all. It’s just a disappointment.
If you find you have to use a ton of bubble bath soap to make things foam-filled and sudsy, it could be a problem with your home’s water.
Hard water makes it more difficult for suds and bubbles to form leaving you with a soapy film floating on the water and a bath that’s super boring.
However, soft water is excellent for making bubbles!
Fewer bubbles due to hard water doesn’t only ruin fun in the bath, it also makes it harder to get clean. In fact, if you’re dealing with hard water in your home, it could be ruining your shower experience as well. Find out more in our article on showering in hard water.
You may not think you have hard water, but more than 80% of homes in the U.S. do. Even if you have city water, dissolved minerals could be causing issues with everything from your laundry to your plumbing. Learn more in our post 8 Common Hard Water Problems.
You can make bath time bubblier and fix a host of other hard water problems when you have a water softener installed in your home. That’s where Water-Right can help!